5th Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
St. James: Sat. 6:00 p.m., Fri. 9:00 a.m.
St. George’s: Sun. 9:00 a.m., Wed. 6:30 p.m.
All Saints: Sun. 10:30 a.m., Thurs. 9:30 a.m.
St. James – Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
St. James – Saturday 5:15 – 5:45 p.m.
St. George’s – Wednesday 5:45 – 6:15 p.m.
Pastor: Fr. Tim Broderick, 652-2401
Fax: 652-2010 Email: frtimbroderick@gmail.com
Claudia Batchilder, Pastoral Associate 652-2402
Susan Nye-Brothers, Pastoral Associate 583-2510
The Ten Commandments
“Teacher, what . . . must I do to have eternal life?”(Mt 19:16) Jesus says, “If you would enter life, keep the commandments” (Mt 19:17). Then he adds, “and come, follow me”(Mt 19:21). [2052-2054, 2075-2076] Christianity is more than a correct life and keeping the commandments. Being a Christian is a living relationship to Jesus. A Christian unites himself deeply and personally with the Lord and with him sets out on the way that leads to true life.
Are the Ten Commandments a random list? No. The Ten Commandments form a unity. One commandment refers to another. You cannot arbitrarily toss out individual commandments. Someone who breaks one commandment is violating the whole Law. [2069, 2079] What is remarkable about the Ten Commandments is that all of human life is included within them. Indeed, we men are related at the same time to God (Commandments 1-3) and to our fellow men (Commandments 4-10); we are religious and social beings.
Aren’t the Ten Commandments outmoded? No, the Ten Commandments are by no means the product of a particular time. They express man’s fundamental obligations toward God and neighbor, which are always and everywhere valid. [2070-2072] The Ten Commandments are commandments of reason just as they are also part of the binding revelation of God. They are so fundamentally binding that no one can be dispensed from keeping these commandments.
The Ten Commandments as printed nearby are not found in precisely that form in Sacred Scripture; the text is based on two biblical sources: Ex 20:2-17 and Deut 5:6-21. Centuries ago the two sources were summarized for instructional purposes, and the Ten Commandments were presented to the faithful in the present form of the catechetical tradition.
What are the Ten Commandments?
- I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day (SABBATH). 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
Excerpt taken from the YOUCAT with permission granted from Ignatius Press the original publishers of this work. [Numbers inside brackets] refer to a fuller explanation found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Please pray for Bradley MacDonald, Noreen MacPherson, and John Victor (Cardigan). If you wish prayers for your loved one due to illness please email or phone Edith (583-2541) to let her know. Thank you!
Week Day Masses Wed., Apr. 27, 6:30pm St. George’s, Int. Allan MacMaster by Noreen & George MacPherson Thurs., Apr. 28, 9:30am All Saints, Int. Margie Wilson, by Noreen & George MacPherson Fri., Apr. 29, 9am St. James, Int. Mary Gallant by Julie Anne Duguay Sat., Apr. 30, 6pm St. James, Int. Michael MacDonald by Harriet, Wallace and Family Sun., May 1, 9:00am, St. George’s, Int. Parishioners of Unit Sun., May 1, 10:30am, All Saints, Int. J.D. MacIntyre by family
PRACTICE makes PERFECT (Matt. 5:48)
Without looking at this weeks bulletin for help, see how many of the commandments you can recall from memory. Then check the bulletin to see how many you got right.
REQUESTING MASSES: Please note that if Mass requests are submitted without dates or times, they may be scheduled for a weekday instead of a weekend. This is so they may be scheduled sooner as there are often more weekday openings.
Collection for April 17 – 27 Envelopes – $575.00; Loose – $32.00; Maintenance – $65.00; Donation to the Parish IMO Mary Gallant – $50.00. April 30 Ministries: Lector – Joan Walker; Eucharistic Minister – Kathy King. Church cleaners for May are Valerie Gallant and Beverly Buchanan. Snow man from April 22 to April 28 is Kenny Batchilder. (If you are unable to take your turn please contact someone else to trade weeks.)
Collection for April 17 – 55 Envelopes – $1,755.00; Loose – $19.15. May 1 Ministries: Lector – Robin Laird; Eucharistic Minister – Joe MacDonald; Gifts – Mary MacLean; Ushers – Jimmy Quinn and John Brothers; Church Custodian the Week of April 24 is Harry Nabuurs. Church cleaners for May: Katherine MacDonald, Shirley Rice, Cindy Shepard &Marilyn Barrett. Snow men from April 25 to May 1 are Dan Shepard & John Brothers.
Spring Cleanup – Scheduled for Saturday morning, April 30th, starting at 9:00 am. Thank you in advance for your help. Many hands make light work… bring a rake.
All Saints C.W.L. meeting will be held on Sunday April 24 at 9:00 a.m. (before mass) in the MacMillan Room. CWL is ‘Women” and is ‘Catholic”. If you are this too, then give yourself that one hour to come together and belong to a strong national group with a respected voice. We’ll put the coffee on.
Lunch Committee for All Saints Card Play for Monday, April 25 are Lori Campbell, Jocelyn Brothers, & Ethel Brothers – loaf of sandwiches; Megan Sullivan-Veinot, Crystal Creighton & Michelle Brothers. – 2 – 3 dozen sweets each.
WISDOM of the SAINTS… Perseverance
“You must not abandon the ship in a storm because you cannot control the winds… What you cannot turn to good, you must at least make as little bad as you can.”
~ St. Thomas More
Collection for April 17 – 36 Envelopes – $945.00; Loose – $19.05. Donation to the Cemetery Fund for Regular Maintenance – $200.00 & Donations to the Cemetery Fund IMO Gerald Campbell – $200.00. May 1 Ministries: Lector – Diane Brennan; Eucharistic Minister – Gail Johnston; Gifts – Lorraine Morrison & Sally Morrison; Ushers for May are Joe & Claire McCarron. Church Cleaners for May are Patsy Myers, Anne Morrison, Claire & Edith MacDonald & Tammy Gardiner. Snow men from April 25 to May 1 are Terry Brennan and Geordie Johnston.
The St. George’s C.W.L. is hosting neighbouring Counsels to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel on Tuesday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. All Members are welcome to come and join us.
SDU Scholarships and Bursaries: High school graduates are reminded that the deadline to apply for the St. Dunstan’s Scholarship ($5,000.00 per year, renewable) is April 15. The SDU Board of Governors Award ($1,000.00 non-renewable, minimum of one per high school) application deadline is May 1. SDU Bursary deadline is August 31. Criteria and application forms are at www.saintdunstansuniversity.ca
Marriage Preparation Course: With the Diocese of Charlottetown approval. Contact Patricia Wiedemer: Tel. 902-393-6047 (cell) or e-mail: patricia@wiedemer.info
SDU VACATION BIBLE CAMP: The SDU Board of Governors are accepting applications from students (18 and over) who are interested in working as camp counsellors for the 2016 Vacation Bible Camp. The camp provides eight weeks of work from July 4-August 26. To obtain an application form email sdu@eastlink.ca or call 393-3441. Application forms are also available at the UPEI Chaplaincy Center.
Catholic Family Services Bureau will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. The meeting will be held at Murphy’s Community Centre, 200 Richmond Street. The public is invited to attend.
Spring Video Conference: The Diocesan Liturgical Commission will host a Video Conference: “The Eucharist: If You Only Knew”, facilitated by Fr. Bill Burke of the Diocese of Antigonish, in Room 201W of Holland College Charlottetown Centre, Kent St. entrance, on Saturday, May 14, 10:00am – 1:00pm. All are welcome, no fee, bring your own lunch. Please register before May 6 with Liz MacDonald, Diocese of Charlottetown, at rc@dioceseofcharlottetown.com or 902-368-8005.
Prayer for a Child’s Return to the Faith
Dear Lord, you became man, suffered and died to win salvation for all souls. Look graciously on the soul of my child who has drifted away from you and the Faith. Grant him/her your grace to see the error of his/her ways and return to the fold in your care.
Teach me to stay close to him/her during this time and strive to convert him/her by action and prayers more than by words that may antagonize. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust you to do everything to bring my child back to you.
NOTE: Please send items for the Bulletin to Edith MacDonald at – elmacdonald56@gmail.com or phone 583-2541 by Noon, the Wednesday prior to the weekend. |